Samuel Tenka

$\newcommand{\NN}{\mathbb{N}}$ $\newcommand{\ZZ}{\mathbb{Z}}$ $\newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}}$ $\newcommand{\CC}{\mathbb{C}}$

Foundations of Statistical Mechanics

Statistical mechanics helps us predict the behavior of many-component physical systems via the technique of averaging. Specifically, the recipe to predict a measurement of a system "at temperature $T$" is as follows. We write down a certain probability distribution over the system's configuration space; the density at a configuration $x$ with energy $E(x)$ is $p(x) \propto \exp(-E(x)/T)$. Note that this distribution is abstract: it is not clear what randomness, if any, it corresponds to. For each configuration $x$, we compute the number $f(x)$ that the measurement would yield. Then our prediction is the expectation of $f(x)$ with respect to the aforementioned distribution.

For example, when $f=E$, the recipe helps us predict the system's total energy as a function of its temperature; we may thus compute the heat capacities of systems such as crystals, molecular gases, and blackbody radiation. In fact, for a gas with very high pressure $p$ (force per area) and very low density $n$ (particles per volume), the recipe predicts that $T = p/n$. This result helps us to calibrate our thermometers: the appropriate value of $T$ for a different system will be the $p/n$ of a high-pressure, low-density gas in equilibrium with the system. Thus, though it was a priori unclear how to measure temperature, the theory is falsifiable.

Our goal is to provide intuition for this recipe. We will discuss two related questions. First, why is measurement related to an average at all? Second, why does the average have the specific weights $\exp(-E(x)/T)$? In the process, we will attempt to interpret the average itself: is it fundamentally an average over many temporally-separated measurements of a single system (Halmos)? Or an average over many small parts of the overall system (Khinchin)? Or an average over many possible initial conditions of the system (Feynman)?

Boltzmann's Law

Extensive Properties

Imagine two parcels of matter very far from each other. Their joint probability is a product, and their joint energy is a sum. Therefore, if we are to assign probabilities to system configurations, and if we insist that these probabilities are functions only of energy, then the probability must be exponential in the energy. Thus, $\mathcal{P}(x) \propto \exp(-\beta E(x))$ for some constant $\beta$ characteristic of the system's temperature. We only used that energy is extensive (and later we will use that total energy is conserved); we could have spoken of volume, charge, angular momentum, or any other extensive quantity that is conserved in a laboratory room. More generally, if we wish to assign probabilities that depend only on a finite set of extensive quantities (say volume $V$, energy $E$, and charge $C$) then the probability must be of form $\mathcal{P}(x) \propto \exp(-\alpha V(x) -\beta E(x) -\gamma C(x))$.

The Natural Measure

Averages or Concentration?

Fluctuations in Time

Liouville's Theorem

Can Dynamics get Stuck?

A monoatomic gas in a torus has a hamiltonian like $$ \mathcal{H} = \sum_i h(p_i) + \delta \sum_{i,j} \tilde{h}(q_i, q_j) \triangleq \mathcal{H}_0 + \delta \mathcal{H}_{+} $$ where $(\vec{p},\vec{q}) \in T^\star({(S^1)}^N)$, the co-tangent space of the torus. We would like to say that


Batterman --- Why Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics Works --- 1998

Feynman --- Lectures on Statistical Mechanics --- 1981

Khinchin --- Mathematical Foundations of Statistical Mechanics --- 1960

Lanford --- Entropy and Equilibrium States in Classical Statistical Mechanics --- 1973

Penrose --- Foundations of Statistical Mechanics --- 1979

Truesdell --- Six Lectures on Natural Philosophy --- 1966